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February 25, 2020

By March 25, 2020Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carole Somers-Clark, President; Kenda North, Past President, Constant Contact Rep; John Ellis, Treasurer; Michelle Touchet, Secretary; Carol Rybarski, Social Chair; Jane Rogers, Heritage Oak Cliff Rep; Heather Perlowski, Social Media Coordinator

  1. Financials, Ellis
    1. 50 households paid to date
    1. Financial details in report
    1. Savings vs Checking Account.
    1. We have a square!
    1. Will provide a spreadsheet of the addresses who have paid
  2. Social, Rybarski
    1. First Friday-Cooper’s Meat Market—please go because they have been very generous
    1. Yard Sale, April 18 (minimum 10 houses participating, encourage partnering/clustering with a neighbor)
      1. Mary Alice Ayers, Jane Rogers, and Michelle Touchet to co-coordinate
      1. No balloons or donuts
      1. Contact a non-profit to pick up left-overs
      1. It happens to be on bulk trash weekend
      1. Send Kenda link to garage sale permit
    1. Block Party
      1. DATE: May 9, 12:00-4:00
      1. Hamburger Man to cater
      1. Lucky Pierre’s to perform
    1. Easter Egg Hunt
      1. 9:00 am start
      1. Kathryn Warren to Coordinate
    1. SPENA Annual Meeting
      1. May—Carol R. to call golf course to determine available dates
      1. Possible speaker: arborist (City of Dallas or Master Naturalists), school board rep (Ben Mackey & Chad West)
    1. Welcome Baskets
      1. Jane Rogers will help Carol R create and deliver
  3. Directory, North
    1. Selling ads
      1. Split businesses to cover more
      1. Kenda to tweak sales flier
      1. Kenda and John to work together to access Constant Contact
      1. Carole’s daughter to help with formatting
  4. Heritage Oak Cliff (HOC), Rogers
    1. Requesting updated information for our Board
    1. Participate in the Census
    1. GoodSpace, David Spence, requesting a variance
      1. Parking spaces
      1. Rooftop signs “TyPo” Tyler Polk
    1. La Calle Doce, March 10, from 6-8:30 pm “get acquainted” gathering with neighborhood association officers
    1. GRANT IDEA: water for the triangle across the street from Annie Stevens Park
      1. John Ellis is researching plausibility

The next meeting will be held at the home of John Ellis: 1043 Plymouth, March 24, 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Michelle Touchet


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